No, you did not miss Volume I. It is still in the making, as is Volume III.
Which makes me think ... who of you have, since becoming fans, also read piles of books on
Elvis? At first perhaps mostly those available via normal retail outlets, then moving on to the loads of quality self-published gems, which - it seems - are not going out of fashion any time soon. Elvis fans are indeed in need of long arms and deep pockets. Local folk singer Lucas Maree said it best: Ek sou kon doen met 'n miljoen!
Maybe you remember one of the treasures from 2004 - the stunner, The Ultimate Elvis In Munich Book. The author, Andreas Roth, from Munich, Bavaria, will luckily release his second book soon.
Elvis - The Army Trilogy Volume II is a 240-page, hard-bound coffee table book
covering Elvis' army period from November 1958 - June 1959. According to the author this book features some
300 rare photos and documents, including more about Elvis in Munich.
I'm looking forward to this one.